6 Steps to Maximizing Your Facebook Page

email JPEG facebookDo you have a Facebook Page for your Holistic Business?  Is it growing?  Do you have engagement with your potential clients?  Over 40 percent of the 1 billion users on the internet have a Facebook account.  There is a huge market waiting to hear your message and discover your products.  With so many social media strategies out there, how do you know which one to follow?  Some see complicated or pricey.  How do you choose?  There are definite small steps that can improve your reach to your target clients without costing you a fortune.  Here are five simple tried and true steps can not only build your brand which will assist you in discovering new clients, but also strengthen the relationship you have with your current clients.


Visual stimulation

Anything visual is dominating every social media site.  It has been proven over and over that Facebook posts that include a photo or video receive nearly double the shares and comments.  The photo’s that you use can make or break your brand.  Having quality photos that share a visual message is paramount.


When sharing images on your page of your products, don’t show the book cover for example.  It’s better to show someone holding your book.  Don’t overload on product photos.


Cross post

Treat your Facebook posts as Twitter posts.  Keep your words to 50 to 80 characters to promote cross sharing on Twitter.  Social media users have a short attention span, if you are going to share longer posts, write a blog and highlight one sentence from the blog.  Use hashtags in your post – Facebook hashtags translate into Twitter hashtags.  Link all your social media accounts to Facebook.  Cross post your own messages.


Engagement is key

Engage the people on your page.  Ask them questions.  Ask them to post a photo.  Ask them to post a quote.  Ask them to like if they agree.  If you don’t ask the people on your page to do something, they won’t.


Everyone loves freebies

Give something away.  Give tips.  Give a special offer.  Give usable information related to your services.  It is important to offer relatable and useful information every day; no one wants to read your sales promotion ads every day.  Give them a reason to keep coming back.


Add Facebook to your schedule

Create a social media calendar.  Schedule your posts to come out around the same time of day so that your readers will get use to coming to visit.  Having a calendar allows you to share and collaborate with other pages on Facebook without it being a time consuming adventure.  By creating all your posts and photo’s during a set time each week will save you time each week and allow you create quality sharing posts.


Still looking for more help with your Facebook Page?  Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our practitioner advocates to see how Holistic Hub Websites can assist you with your Facebook marketing needs.  Call us now at 408-992-5529 or toll free (US and Canada) at 84HOLISTIC (844-654-7842.