How To Promote Your Business Using Simplicity

Do you know how to tie your shoes?  It’s a simple process to follow.  But for the beginner it can prove frustrating.  The same is true about how to promote your business.  Beginners may find business promotion and marketing activities frustrating.  But over time, you know it’s necessary to do these things to benefit your ideal target audience. You may feel frustrated or even overwhelmed at all you COULD do to promote your business, but why?  By incorporating simplicity into your business promotional efforts, your business is SO much more enjoyable!

Many business owners say they HATE to do things to promote their business, but again I ask, why?  If you are getting opportunities to share the good news about your business solution, celebrate!  Here are some ideas on using simplicity for promoting your valuable business solution to what ails the world.

The Promote Your Business Mindset

You can look in online forums, your email inbox, marketing services websites all offering to help you promote your business.  And many people feel overwhelmed at the help.  What would you say if I told you that by using simplicity you can adopt a favorable “promote your business” mindset?  It’s really true.

When you do things you like to do, you do them willingly instead of begrudgingly.  And this is the happiest way to promote your business, with the mindset that you LIKE to share teaching moments about your business solution.  Isn’t it true that you LOVE talking about your products and services and how they help people?  If that’s true, then make a teaching moment of promoting your business.  Don’t SELL your solution.  Instead, apply your solution to a situation and share the story with your ideal prospects, clients and customers, and the benefits to using your solution to their problem.

When you focus on sharing benefits of using your offerings that make things simpler and better for your ideal market, you’ve introduced simplicity into your business promotional efforts.  So, imagine for a moment a simple process you could follow to tell everyone about the frustrating situations your business product or service eliminates.  Take some time and write down at least 10 applicable situations, in a story format, where you would feel comfortable promoting your business by sharing a story about how lives improved due to someone using your product or service.  This is a great way, a simple way, to promote your business.

Promote Your Business In Different Ways

Promoting your business is essential and NOT sleazy when you promote in the right way.  You promote your business by sharing expertcontent about your solution via email, blog posts, videos and audio recordings such as podcasts AND by doing live presentations.  Allow yourself to be interviewed on internet radio.  That is a simple process and once a podcast is online, it can be there forever.  Use the link created after the interview is recorded and published in your promotional efforts. This is a great cost-saving way to save on advertising while you promote your business.

The Value of Promoting Your Business

When prospects, clients and customers see and hear your expertise publicly shared, you’re following a process.  The more people with the problem your product or service solves hear about you, of course they want to consult and buy from you.  But don’t sell, teach or story tell.  People can figure out that you’re the right person with whom to do business.  You’ve just got to get your solution out there!

Think about yourself as a customer.  You’ve rather be talking with an expert than just a beginner to help you solve your problems, right?  Well, BE known as the BEST solution to your market’s problems when you promote your business.  Promote your business in various ways.  But, start small.  See what works for you.  Then, you won’t be overwhelming yourself, right?

Intentionally Create Relationships With Your Market By Promoting Your Business

Promoting your business and telling everyone you can imagine about how your product or service solves a problem includes sharing teaching moments about what you do to solve the problem.  You can keep this a simple effort.  When you regularly show up in your market place, you create, nourish and nurture the relationship with your prospects, clients and customers.  Look at promoting your business like an opportunity to be there for your market.  It really does make a different to those you want help from you.

You know the old adage that when you do something that really makes a person feel important and significant they will remember you?  Well, it’s true.  And this is something to remember when you promote your business, too.  People like to feel good they’ve made the right decision for themselves.  So, help them see that being self-reliant is a good thing.  You do this when you market and promote your business.

Focus on Improving The Life Quality of Your Customers When You Promote Your Business

Promote the “use value” in the content you share with your customers.  They are taking the time to adopt change that helps them improve their life quality.  Encourage them to keep growing.  It helps them to know they are with a trusted business friend who agrees with them. Create a teaching moment of your promotions so that clients, prospects and customers can see there is light at the end of the tunnel in their decision making AND that you are a person who is there for them!

The Self-Reliance Club Members – Your Customers!

When a client buys from you see them as being in your “self-reliance” club.  They are club members who chose to embrace change using your product or service to solve their problems.  People who like to have control over their lives NEED to hear from you about how you can help them regain control over a perplexing problem.  This really is a simple way to promote your business.

So remember to promote your business and do it with simplicity.  This eliminates feeling overwhelmed by doing marketing and promotion for your product and service and helps you befriend the most wonderful people!

Questions or comments about this blog post?  Please contact me and let’s chat!  Call (408) 992-5529 or email me at [email protected]