Regularly Engage With Customers

Why Regularly Engage With Customers?

Do you love your customers?  If so, you will keep reaching out to them with new content that helps them solve their life challenges.  So why regularly engage with customers?  Because just like Hollywood celebrities, if they stopped regularly entertaining you through movies, TV shows, interviews and acting, you would forget who they are.

Imagine this…

Suppose Tom Hanks stopped making movies.  What do you think would happen to his career?  It would be a forgotten memory similar to pet rocks.  But, do you think he does all his promotional help by himself?  Of course not!  Why?  Because though it’s easy to promote yourself as an actor or other business person, it is a very involved activity.  You need a team or a staff to help you with this huge task.  If you want to do it right, you get the right people to help you promote you.

Why Regularly Engage With Customers?

Now compare this to staying engaged with your customers via your website…

What happens when you regularly engage with customers?  They become your fans and you stay in business.

What would happen if you stopped adding new content to your website on a regular basis?  What about regularly engaging with your target market through social media, YouTube videos, emails, webinars, teleseminars and the like?

Your fans would eventually (and sadly) forget about you.  They would wonder why you no longer were there for them.  They may feel emotionally hurt, inconvenienced or lonely without you.  Isn’t that sad to imagine because you really do have an amazing product or service you offer.

And their need for your product or service would still be within them.  And in self-defense of satisfying their need to be comfortable, what would they do?  Find a competitor to fill that need.

Have You Inadvertently Abandoned Your Customers?

If you do not keep engaged with your market, and give them what they want, they will no longer be your fans.  What is the remedy for this?  Stay engaged with your market!

When you publish a website without regularly promoting and marketing the products and services you offer, it is like opening up a brick and mortar store without putting any signs on the building.  It is like opening up your business and having no telephone and refusing to put a mail box outside to receive money for your offers and receive new ideas to offer even greater customer products and services.

A Vacation With No Destination

Publishing poorly SEO formatted content on your website is like going on a vacation with no destination in mind.  Do you get the picture here?  It is VITAL that you stay engaged with your market.

Your website is like a living, breathing, vibrant part of you.  If you do nothing to reach out to your customers and keep providing things they need, soon, customers will find someplace else to be.

Scary, isn’t it?  Do take a few minutes now and look at your website’s content.  Do you have properly formatted, SEO -rich content on your website?  If not, give us a call.  We are here to help you.

Okay, quiz time.

You are someone who LOVES dogs.  You love the dogs you’ve seen in movies like those found here:

You have a beautiful black Labrador puppy you’ve just named Black Beauty (whom you adore.)  You of course want the best for your dog.

You live in Surprise, Arizona.  You want to buy Black Beauty some healthy, organic dog food.  You know it exists but you don’t know where to buy it.

You go online and do an organic Google search.  You type in organic dog food, Surprise, Arizona.  But, instead of the dog food store owners in Surprise, Arizona, providing correctly formatted SEO content on their websites, they just dropped the ball.  Their website is poorly formatted without effective SEO content.  And you as a potential customer lose, too, because you can’t find good dog food.  Now isn’t that a sad story for Black Beauty?

You cannot ignore doing what you need to do to stay engaged with your clients, customers and prospects.  What’s the answer?

Get help!  It is very involved staying engaged with your target market.  But, the good news is that Holistic Hub Websites is here to help you with it all!  Please contact us so we can become your business engagement team.  Once we get you started on a promotional program, the sooner you can start seeing and keeping your business thriving.  Please call us on (408) 992 – 5529 or email us at [email protected].